How to Design the Perfect Custom Gaskets for Your Applications

13 April 2023

Pumps, engines, doors, and other similar things rely on various components to make them work. One of the components that can be found on these things is a gasket.

A gasket is a mechanical component that can fill the space between mating surfaces. The main purpose of a gasket is to prevent leakage from or into the objects while they are subjected to compression. This mechanical component can be made from various sizes, shapes, and materials, depending on the needs of a specific application.

Fortunately, many applications today can maximise customised gaskets, making sure they are compatible with the objects they will be fitted into. If you want to create the perfect custom gasket for your applications, here are some things you need to consider.

Primary Function

One of the things you need to consider when designing the perfect custom gasket for your applications is its primary function. Knowing the key function of your custom gasket can ensure that your subsequent design decisions can match the requirements of your applications. When identifying your gasket function, you may have to determine whether it will be intended to isolate vibration or not. You may also have to confirm if its only function is to either fill the space between mating surfaces or create an environmental seal between the same surfaces.

Environment Conditions

The environmental conditions of your applications should also be considered when designing your custom gasket. A gasket that is meant for a dynamic environment may not work effectively if it is designed for a static one. The same thing may happen if a static seal is utilised in a dynamic environment. A gasket designed for static sealing can join two surfaces without relative motion between each other. Alternatively, a gasket intended for dynamic sealing means the surfaces they will be sealing are moving throughout their operations. 


Temperature is an important element of a custom gasket as it can affect how effective the mechanical component is when utilised for specific applications. Determining the temperature range of your application can help you design a gasket that can work optimally within the specified range. If a gasket, however, is only designed to work well for one end of the temperature spectrum, its chances of failure can be high. The only way to ensure an effective gasket is to opt for high-end, expensive material.

Substrate and Material

Knowing the substrate of your gasket can also help in securing a component that can work well with your applications. Some substrates might work on your applications if they are paired with a pressure-sensitive adhesive. They may also work optimally on your applications if their compression forces will be considered thoroughly. Upon knowing the substrate, you must proceed with the gasket material itself. Choosing your gasket material may consume a lot of time. However, it can ensure that your gasket can boast properties needed for your applications.

To know your material options for your gaskets, you can contact us at Gasketech.

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