It’s a new year, products are flying from shelves, and the time has come to underscore our mission statement. Here at Gasketech, we’re always looking for superior gasketing solutions. Apart from this commendable objective, we’re also knuckling down on certain seal-compromising issues. That’s right, our New Year’s resolution concerns sealing and leakage problems, a subject that our industry clients should never experience, not when Gasketech is on the job.
Resolving Sealing Problems
As expected, a technically superior gasketing service sources high-performance sealing materials. That’s a company-assured promise, one that our competitors may adopt but never outshine. Sure, a relationship with a top-tier materials supplier is beneficial, but what use is that advantage if the overseeing engineer lacks the knowledge to properly utilize the gasketing stuff? No, that partnership will flounder if the wrong sealing solution is applied, especially when that application conveys a particularly aggressive fluid medium. Gasketech engineers foster such sourcing partnerships while also ensuring the selected sealing material matches its destined usage domain.
Applying Form Factor Expertise
If a vehicle head gasket is freed from its engine block, we see a complex geometrical profile. The exactingly cut openings and connecting lines curve close to each other without ever touching. Some of the physical sealing stuff is cut thin between two aperture nodes while the next segment of the sheet is sliced into a thickly reinforced mass. It takes die cutting mastery to stamp out these gaskets. A single cutting error would be enough to weaken the entire product line. Pipe gaskets, perhaps made of Viton or PTFE, succeed in their flange-faced moorings because they emulate that die cutting methodology. Loaded with fabric-woven layers, mouldings and extrusions, and high-quality inserts, the manufacturing techniques employed here ensure a leak-free face coupling.
Solving Leakage Problems
Time is short, there’s a leak, and some valuable fluid commodity is escaping. Gasketech experts are ready for this emergency situation. For example, if some poorly installed gasket is cracking under the pressure, then our team members are ready. We offer a quick turn-around on our sealing solutions, plus a made-to-measure service that guarantees the avoidance of a poorly manufactured seal. In other words, our gasketing services can cope with any leakage problem. Just call our friendly staff to see that written promise become a hard-as-nails action.
Gaskets are amazing products. They’re also incredibly important. Sure, pipes run everywhere, but they should never leak. Resolve sealing and leakage problems by turning to a superior gasketing service. Turn to Gasketech, an engineering agency that’s grown into a seasoned, absolutely safe seal securing service. When ecological concerns, safety factors, and productivity issues require a high-performance solution, enlist an engineering company that knuckles down on sealing problems.
If you are reading this blog then the odds are pretty good you know what a gasket is — and for that, we are grateful. Gaskets are used every day in industries across the span of the human experience. From engineering massive automobiles to finishing off projects in your garage, gaskets have their place in the grand scheme of things. At Gasketech, we realise that our customers don’t always just want to know what they can use their gaskets for. Sometimes, our customers want to know why our products are the way that they are. For that reason, we decided to dust off the tome of history in order to give you an overview of gasket technology. Let’s go back and time and see where the first gasket came from and how the technology has evolved over the years.
The History of Gaskets
In order to fully appreciate gaskets, and their evolution, we should start by explicitly stating what exactly they are in a scientific sense. Basically, a gasket is a seal that is placed between two surfaces. Gaskets range in terms of size, shape, and material but they are almost always flexible and typically more useful after extensive compression testing. Now that we have a basic understanding of gaskets, let’s put our time-traveling hats on and head back to the 1800s.
In 1820, gaskets were first made out of iron fillings, water, and sulphur powder. These ingredients combined to create what we now call an iron sulphate seal. If we go further back in time and loosen up our definition of a gasket, we’ll see that people once even used Oakum rope that was beaten, tarred and heavily caulked in order to seal the hulls of nautical vessels. For essentially 100 years, this was more or less what a gasket was.
The first great leap in gasket technology came by way of a company named Whitby Chandler Ltd, which was founded in the early ’20s over in the United Kingdom. Whitby Chandler Ltd became one of the first large-scale gasket suppliers in the world and they are cited as being one of the most instrumental forces in the proliferation and development of the technology. Thanks to the work done by this company, gaskets would continue to evolve over the years and we would see new materials being continually tested to try and improve upon the design. From asbestos (yes, that asbestos) all the way to rubber, metal, neoprene, and fiberglass we have seen gaskets continue to evolve and innovate. Now, you can find any option you require through our catalogue.